Monday, 3 June 2013


     The second semester of my first year was almost over meaning that my exams were getting closer and closer. I realized that it was about time that I started working on my 3-Dimensional Design project which I was expected to exhibit on the day of the exam. I was required to create a form from either clay, plasticine, Styrofoam or any other material. Therefore, I took time to think of  a creative idea that would capture a great message and of course,one that would hopefully please the examiners.
The Hand of Peace

      Apparently we had just reported back to campus from the elections,and there was so much tension in the air. I sincerely did not want to see a repeat of the 2007-2008 post-election violence. It was for this reason that I had to stop feeling sad that the candidate whom I believed would have made a good president had lost the elections and instead shift my focus on preaching peace. I did not care anymore about who had won the elections,all I wanted is that whichever way the outcome would go may there be peace since in my view the elections were conducted free and fair. All my messages, Facebook posts and tweets were about maintaining peace. One night however,there was unrest in my university after I.E.B.C. election materials were found in the campus which was a tallying center during the election period and was mistaken by some students to be an attempt to rig the poll results. My messages of peace came in handy and I shared with anyone I came across that night. Eventually it was over and calmness returned to the university the following morning.

One People,one Country
    So after much thought a brilliant idea for my project had come to my mind. I had decided to make a composition that would express togetherness as a country. I made,out of plasticine, a base of the map of Kenya from which a hand emerges and signifies 'One'. The point I was trying to put across is that we are one people,one country. You know,most of this clashes come about as a result of tribal divisions caused by politicians ,but the truth of the matter is that no one chose to be in the tribe that he is .It is God who decides. Belonging to a particular tribe is something good and that one ought to be proud of since it attaches you to some kind of culture but it does not mean that a certain tribe is better than another or that we must fight each other. God put as all,of different tribes and different backgrounds that we learn to coexist as one country,one Kenya.
From Bird's Eye-View,the hand of peace seems to be pointing at you
    I am proud of my country and my fellow countrymen since we heeded the call to live in harmony. Thus, my artwork which I commonly like to call  'The Hand of Peace' together with the efforts of others to bring peace in Kenya ,before and after voting, were not in vain. This unity should not cease. We should also be united as one in fighting vices as impunity, poor leadership, corruption and tribalism in our country.Najivunia kuwa Mkenya.
Proudly Kenyan
Incase you haven't watched this music video by Juliani pls do...makes you feel patriotic.Enjoy!

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